Poland is a country with great potential of the FinTech industry. Such conclusions can be drawn from the recently published report "How to do FinTech in Poland", whose partner is the Polish Investment and Trade Agency. The premiere of the report was accompanied by a panel with the participation of experts from the financial sector - PKO Bank Polski, Bank Pekao SA, the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, as well as PwC Legal and Michael Page.
During the event, Paweł Kurtasz, Chairman of PAIH’s Management Board, emphasized that Polish consumers have at their disposal solutions technologically unavailable in countries considered world leaders. He added that for the further development of the fintech industry, Poland should constantly improve its competitiveness in terms of regulatory transparency.
PAIH is a consulting agency. Our Foreign Trade Offices allow for much better contact with foreign partners. We support Polish companies from various sectors in their expansion – fintech is no exception – said Paweł Kurtasz.
Zbigniew Wiliński, Director of the FinTech Financial Innovation Department at the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, added that the challenge is to change the regulatory environment to be more industry-friendly.
We are working on removing barriers limiting the development of the market. We are guided by the goal of developing the financial market. We run sandboxes that allow companies to test various solutions – said the representative of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority.
Agnieszka Kulikowska representing Michael Page emphasized PAIH’s positive role in establishing new business relationships. She pointed out that the goal on a national scale should be to change Poland’s perception in the world. Companies should move to our country not only because of the costs of service, but above all because of the access to qualified staff or because of favorable legal conditions.
Marcin Eckert from PKO Bank Polski assured that large banks also understand the needs and expectations of startups and meet them by offering support instruments tailored to them.
Perception of the Polish market in the world is not bad, but we have the potential to achieve much more. It is necessary to talk about upcoming regulations. We can build our competitive advantages on this. We can still significantly improve our position – said Aleksandra Bańkowska from PwC Legal.
This year’s report is the second edition of the document prepared by Fintech Poland in cooperation with the KNF Office and PAIH. The report can be downloaded from the website »
Source: PTIA